Buying What You Are Selling
Unless there is an exemption, an Investment Company needs to file with the SEC and make certain disclosures to investors.
The Advice You Give
Generally, any time you are giving advice you need to register. Attorneys, accountants, psychologists, etc. There is no difference when you are giving advice on securities.
The Basics of Convertible Notes
The convertible note is a favorite investment vehicle for many founders and investors alike. This post outlines the key terms and explanations with regard to raising capital through or investing via a convertible note.
Negative Covenants in Lending Transactions
In corporate loan agreements, negative covenants are restrictions and prohibitions that are designed to preserve the credit of the borrower as it was when the lender initially made its underwriting decision.
Loan Agreement Considerations in the COVID-19 Environment
During this unprecedented time, most corporate borrowers are facing a significant decline in revenue and liquidity resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of this, borrowers and lenders must consider multiple issues under their loan agreements. Borrowers […]
Home is Wherever I’m with You: How COVID-19 Relief Affects Homeowners, Renters, and Residential Landlords
“How do you shelter in place without a roof over your head?” Millions of Americans impacted by layoffs, furlough, and the economic downturn caused by COVID-19 are asking themselves this question as rent and mortgage payments loom near. Thanks to […]
CARES Act: Paycheck Protection Program and EIDL Loan Program
In order to address the challenges faced by small businesses, self-employed individuals, and independent contractors, the CARES Act expands existing loan programs and creates additional loan programs offered through the Small Business Administration (or SBA).
Five Things to Consider Before Starting Your DFS Company
Have a great idea for the next big thing in fantasy sports? There are a few things you should know before diving in head-first.