General Business
Mo’ Founders Mo’ Problems – Another Vote For Well Drafted Partnership Agreements

Note, the advice below is entity type agnostic. Member Agreements, Company Agreements, and Founder Agreements are included in the context of partners agreements.  Founder disputes are unavoidable – and the more founders, the higher the likelihood for disagreements. Every startup will […]

Texas Series LLCs
How Do I Name My Texas Series LLC?

A question that we frequently get from our Series LLC clients is, “How do I name my Texas Series LLC?” This is really two questions in one – as the parent and cells within the series will each have different […]

Presenting To Investors: Conciseness = Clarity

“Confident writers have the courage to speak plainly; to let their thoughts shine rather than their vocabulary.” – Ralph Keye While it might not seem like it at first glance, pitching an idea is, in some ways, just like writing…and […]

Crowdfunding – What Can We Learn From Kickstarter Stats?

This blog was originally published in July of 2012 but was revised in February of 2024 and is still accurate.  Mashable released a fascinating set of infographics regarding Kickstarter from a recent story (I’m not clear on who created the […]

Crowdfunding, Part II

This blog was originally published in July of 2012 but was revised in February of 2024 and is still accurate.  With the recent passage of the JOBS Act, unaccredited investors are poised to enter into the startup funding arena in […]

Texas Series LLCs
Texas Series LLCs & Your Due On Sale Clause

As I have discussed in my earlier blogs on Texas Series LLCs, series LLCs are a powerful and efficient asset protection tool and are rapidly becoming the preferred entity vehicle for real estate investors. However, because they are still in […]

Intellectual Property
The Difference Between A Copyright, Patent & Trademark

Copyrights, Patents, and Trademarks – oh my! Intellectual property (and we’re not talking about a smart piece of real estate) consists of copyrights, trademarks, and patents. There is a lot of confusion as to the application and distinction of each. […]

Early Thoughts On Crowdfunding

This blog was originally published in April of 2012 but was revised in February of 2024 and is still accurate.  Get ready for crowdfunding mania. The next big buzz word is here. So what does it mean? In short, crowdfunding […]

Texas Series LLCs
Franchise Tax Treatment Of Texas Series LLCs

(Disclaimer – I am not an accountant, much less a CPA. The info below is informational only and is intended to provoke further discussion in the rapidly evolving world of Texas Series LLCs. Please consult with your attorney and CPA […]

Intellectual Property
A Primer On Trademarks

This blog was originally published in February of 2012 but was revised in May of 2024 and is still accurate.  So, what’s the difference between ™ and ®, you ask? While both represent claims to trademark rights, there are distinctions […]