Working With Developers

Failure to have a clear written agreement with developers is the most frequent problem I see with early-stage companies. And one that is completely avoidable. Here are a few common issues.

Does Medical Marijuana Affect Employers’ Drug Policies?

If you are an employer who wants to maintain a zero-tolerance policy, the Coats decision and the California legislation may have been just what the doctor ordered (pun intended). These precedents appear to indicate that the trend is to leave drug use and drug testing policies to employers, not the states.

Corporate Governance
The Startup Visa – International Entrepreneur Rule

The International Entrepreneur Rule applies to foreign entrepreneurs looking to build their company in the U.S. and American startups looking to bring a key foreign cofounder stateside.

Hiring A Developer? Get It In Writing And Signed First

Here’s an unfortunate, but common call we get from clients at VW each week: Client: “Hi, we’re having a problem with our web developer. They started the project and took our initial payment, but are now way behind schedule and […]

Oooh, Baby, Baby – A Beginner’s Guide to Maternity Leave

“Are you pregnant?” Add this to the list of questions that all but a precious few may reasonably ask. Since I’m a lawyer, I feel entitled…to ask in order to clear up some common misconceptions about workplace protection and paid leave […]

Independent Contractor Agreements Don’t Mean Anything

On Valentine’s Day in either first or second grade, Teresa Holting handed me a little card with my name hastily written on the envelope. Inside the envelope, and on the front cover of the card, were a couple of anthropomorphic […]

Employment Contract Considerations

You know the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”? Well, that axiom most certainly applies to small businesses. While many today do not enter into written employment agreements with their employees, it would certainly be in […]