Preparing for Funding Ep4: Pitch Decks

Office Hours is our podcast covering general issues related to small businesses and startups. Preparing For Funding is a series of Office Hours episodes about getting your company’s legal house in order before taking on funding.

We have recut this series to reflect updates in law and venture trends in the last 5 years. Listen to Ep4 Recut here.

In this episode, we discuss what makes a great pitch deck, the best uses of an appendix, how to get warm introductions to investors, and restrictions on general solicitations.

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1 of 15 Preparing for Funding
Preparing for Funding Ep1: Incorporation
2 of 15 Office Hours
Preparing for Funding Ep2: Founders Agreements
3 of 15 Preparing for Funding
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4 of 15 Office Hours
Preparing for Funding Ep4: Pitch Decks
5 of 15 Office Hours
Preparing for Funding Ep5: Initial Sophisticated Investors
6 of 15 Preparing for Funding
Preparing for Funding Ep6: Accelerators / Incubators
7 of 15 Office Hours
Preparing for Funding Ep7: Seed Round
8 of 15 Office Hours
Preparing for Funding Overview
9 of 15 Office Hours
Preparing for Funding Ep1: Incorporation – Recut
10 of 15 Office Hours
Preparing for Funding Ep2: Founders’ Agreements – Recut