Does your company’s ICO need to be registered with the SEC as a securities offering?

If a blockchain technology company is considering conducting an initial coin offering (“ICO”) or token sale, the question the company needs to answer is whether it needs to register the token sale with the SEC? The answer depends on whether […]

General Business
Startup Starter Pack

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur with a game-changing idea or just a dedicated Silicon Valley viewer who just wants to understand the ups and downs of Pied Piper, we’ve got resources to help you get there.

General Business
VW Startup Lifecycle Infographic

Wondering if your startup is where it should be? This infographic will walk you through the five stages a startup goes through and gives you an idea of where you should be when it comes to your startup’s product, funding, marketing, revenues, legal work, and more.

Intellectual Property
Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Protecting your intellectual property is a critical issue for every small business owner, whether you’re a technology startup, building a services business, or launching a new restaurant concept. Kevin spoke to a group of small business owners at a Dallas […]

VW Abroad
Saying Goodbye to Portugal

Notably, this adventure has made me a better person. With manufactured societal restraints stripped away, I’ve been able to become friends with people I often wouldn’t and understand sides of them I never could have imagined.

VW Abroad
Week 3 in Portugal: Exploring the “City that Works”

As an industrial town, Porto is proud of its blue-collar tradition—indeed, residents refer to it as the “City that Works,” as opposed to the flashy, apparently not-working city of Lisbon. But, with the lush facilities at the LX Factory left behind in Lisbon, my work for the first time grew unexpectedly difficult.

VW Abroad
The Road Forward – Week 2 Working in Portugal

My great opportunity was not to just remotely work in Lisbon; the importance of Desk Independence is growth through travel, not travel to one city. Thus, I decided I needed to be more intentional about my trip. Exploring. Experiencing culture. Expanding and adventuring in every direction. I need to move beyond the Lisbon metropolitan area.

VW Abroad
Nic’s First Week Working in Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is beautiful. From the picturesque graffiti street murals to the 17th century mosaic tiled streets, a touch of modern is entwined with the city’s aging architecture. Including, the LX Factory. The LX Factory is the co-working space in Lisbon. […]

VW Abroad
Como Pode Ajudá-Lo Hoje? How May I Help You Today?

At twenty-five, I had never been out of Texas for more than a week at a time. That changed when I traveled to South East Asia in August 2016 for twenty-six days. What was initially a begrudging, feet-dragging twenty-two days abroad, turned into a life-changing experience.

Learning From “No”

Hearing ‘no’ from an investor doesn’t end the conversation; it pivots the conversation. If you’ve ever embarked on a round of funding, even a simple friends and family round, chances are you’ve heard some form of “no” more than you’d like.