At Vela Wood, we understand that proper management of your workforce is essential to the success of your business. We also understand that employment law is complex, nuanced, and oftentimes leaves employers confused about how to properly handle both day-to-day and complex situations that arise with employees, contractors, and government agencies. 

Our attorneys are here to work with you to proactively and effectively manage your workforce by providing you with the tools, representation, and advice necessary to address the myriad issues that confront your company on a daily basis. We focus on instilling a proactive and preventive approach in order to minimize risk for you.

How We Can Help

  • Designing and Implementing Effective Employment Processes and Systems (onboarding through termination)
  • Designing and Implementing Employee Policies and Procedures and Drafting Employee Handbooks
  • Drafting, Negotiating, and Enforcing Employee and Executive Compensation, Confidentiality, Non-Compete, and Non-Solicit Agreements
  • Advising on Proper Exemption Status and Classification of Workers and Other Wage & Hour Related Matters
  • Advising on Employee and Executive Compensation and Benefits
  • Advising on Employee Discipline and Termination Decisions
  • Advising on Employee Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, and Wrongful Termination Claims
  • Drafting and Negotiating Termination Paperwork and Separation/Severance Agreements
  • Representation in State Workforce Commission Audits and Investigations
  • Representation in EEOC and DOL Audits and Investigations
  • Performing Internal Investigations
  • Representation in Claims Involving Breach of Employment-Related Contracts and Benefit Plans
  • Advising on the Employment Implications of Mergers & Acquisitions and Other Business Transactions
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