1 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
If I Were Starting A Business…
2 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
What’s The Difference Between A Small Business And A Startup?
3 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Your Idea Is Worth Nothing
4 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Pitch Decks Are The New Business Plan
5 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Find Some Naysayers
6 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Make An Investment In Legal
7 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Everyone Should Vest
8 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
How Founder “Vesting” Really Works
9 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Forming an Entity (LLC v. C-Corp)
10 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Working With Developers
11 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Design Is About Input
12 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Finding a CPA
13 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Why You Should Be Anti Anti-Dilution
14 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Dilution Done Well
15 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
The Three Levels of Control Within an Organization
16 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Grant Your Equity Wisely
17 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Pricing Stock Options (What’s a 409A?)
18 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Understanding Basic Contracts: The Termination Clause
19 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Understanding Basic Contracts: Terminating for Material Breach
20 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Understanding Basic Contracts: The Indemnification Clause
21 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Understanding Basic Contracts: The Payment Provision
22 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Understanding Basic Contracts: The (Ir)Relevant Title
23 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
How Much Equity Should We Get?
24 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
Beware Of Your First Investor
25 of 25 If I Were Starting a Business
The Hidden Cost Of Accelerators