Founders Stock refers to equity granted to a founder when the company is formed. The equity typically has a par value that is next to nothing and a four year vesting schedule.
A Family Office is a high-net-worth private wealth management firm for families. The firms typically provide investment advice but also provide creative ways to structure the family’s’ wealth to prevent losses.
Fiduciary Duty is the legal and ethical duty that an individual has to an entity, which includes the duty of care and the duty of loyalty.
Form 2553 is a form that companies must file with the SEC to be designated as an S-corporation and to receive the taxation benefits of S-corporation status (pass through taxation). The company will not be granted pass through taxation for […]
Form 8-K is a report that publicly traded companies must file when a major event happens within the company. The Form 8-K must be filed with the Securities Exchange Commission, and it is designed to give shareholders and the Securities […]
Form 10-K is an annual performance report which must be filed with the Securities Exchange Commission. The 10-K provides extensive information regarding the company’s business and financial condition, which includes audited financial statements.
Form S-1 is an SEC disclosure form that provides general information and risk disclosures about the company. The company may not undergo an initial public offering if it has not filed Form S-1.
Form S-2 is an SEC form that is used when selling securities to the public, and it is less burdensome than most SEC forms because it applies previously filed information. The SEC allows the forms to be used by companies […]
Form S-3 is an SEC security registration form that is less onerous than other SEC registration forms because it cannot be filed unless the company has registered securities with the SEC previously and complied with the Securities Exchange Act of […]
Form S-4 is an SEC registration form designed to provide disclosures after companies merge with, acquire, or are acquired by another company.