Entity Type
Forming an Entity (LLC v. C-Corp)

Okay – it’s time to actually form the business. You’ve built your pitch deck, received feedback from naysayers, visited with your attorney, and worked out the structure with your co-founders. The next step is to incorporate your company so that […]

Entity Type
B-Corps v. Public Benefit Corporations

One of the many inside jokes at Vela Wood is that Kevin is a Capitalist, while I’m a Socialist (bleeding heart and all). Kevin usually busts out some form of this joke at company gatherings when I’m showing pictures of my […]

Entity Type
Don’t Default To A General Partnership

Clients approach us all the time with issues associated to their small business partnerships. Problems arise such as business partners making bad business decisions, running up debts, mismanaging money or even trying to hide income from the partnership…you’d be really […]

Entity Type
Why Your Small Business Should (Likely) Be An LLC

UPDATE: This blog was formerly titled, “Why Your Startup Or Small Business Should (Likely) Be An LLC.” However, after the passing of the Tax Jobs and Cuts Act of 2017, we removed “startups” from the title. You see, in the […]

Entity Type
Where Every Startup & Small Business Should Begin

One of the best things about running a boutique law firm is that we really get to dive into our clients’ businesses and help them from the ground up. Every day we receive calls from small business owners, rogue inventors, […]