Getting To “No”

One of the biggest frustrations we hear from our clients about the capital raise process is that VCs are non-responsive or unwilling to make a firm investment decision. To help with this, I reached out to several VCs whom we see on a regular basis to ask for their input.

Funding & Capital Raising
Securities Straight Talk Vol. 4: Why you Need to Consider Blue Sky Laws Before Conducting a Capital Raise

Not taking securities laws into account prior to the start of your offering can create a dark cloud over your otherwise bright, sun-shiny raise.

Funding & Capital Raising
Securities Straight Talk Vol. 2: Out With the Old (Rule 505), In With the New (Rule 504) 

The SEC released its final ruling that amends Rule 504 and repeals Rule 505, altering Reg D as we know it. In a nutshell, the SEC has combined the best of Rule 504 (unlimited investors, no accredited investor requirement, no burdensome disclosures) with the best of Rule 505 (a $5,000,000 offering limit).

Funding & Capital Raising
Securities Straight Talk Vol. 1: Securities Laws Matter To Startups (Yes, Yours Too) 

So, what exactly is a security, and how does it relate to my startup? In this blog series, we will provide the straight talk on federal and state securities laws to help you navigate the web of regulation.

Who’s Drafting Your Pitch Deck?

The following thoughts and links should provide some basic insight into how to produce an effective pitch deck that cleanly and accurately reflects your company and its potential.

Funding & Capital Raising
Selected Offering Exemptions

To help you understand all of the available private offering exemptions, we’ve compiled details on the old Reg D avenues, and the new crowdfunding ones, into a single page and have created a handy chart for your review.

Funding & Capital Raising
Here’s Why Dallas Is Primed For ‘Series A’ Funding

Series A is coming in Dallas and here are three reasons why.

Hiring A Developer? Get It In Writing And Signed First

Here’s an unfortunate, but common call we get from clients at VW each week: Client: “Hi, we’re having a problem with our web developer. They started the project and took our initial payment, but are now way behind schedule and […]

Corporate Governance
The 50-50 Equity Split(Up)

My parents are starting a business together. See, my mom runs an organic, all natural beauty salon in Upstate New York. Part of the business that she has developed over the years is using henna as an eco-friendly alternative to […]

Funding & Capital Raising
Regulation A+: Good News For Non-Accredited Investors

Recently released Regulation A+ rules are creating excitement for early-stage ventures that didn’t previously have access to VC capital and for the millions of Americans who can now invest in innovative private companies. The new rules, mandated by Title IV […]