Corporate Governance
The 50-50 Equity Split(Up)

My parents are starting a business together. See, my mom runs an organic, all natural beauty salon in Upstate New York. Part of the business that she has developed over the years is using henna as an eco-friendly alternative to […]

The Company Agreement Explained
The Company Agreement Explained: What Are Fundamental Business Transactions & Why Are They Important?

Here at VW, we’re proud to form dozens, if not hundreds, of new Texas LLCs for aspiring startups and new small business owners each year. As part of our LLC formation package, we advise our clients on the best structure […]

The Company Agreement Explained
The Company Agreement Explained: Why Do I Need A Company Agreement If I Have A Certificate Of Formation?

Clients regularly ask, “Why do I need a Company Agreement if I have a Certificate of Formation?” To answer the question directly: the difference lies in the purpose of the two documents. Certificate of Formation The Certificate of Formation (also […]