Intellectual Property
Privacy Policies: Why Having One Is Crucial For Your Company

To maintain compliance with various state and federal laws, it is important that a company keeps records on how it collects, processes, uses, and shares personal information.

Does your company’s ICO need to be registered with the SEC as a securities offering?

If a blockchain technology company is considering conducting an initial coin offering (“ICO”) or token sale, the question the company needs to answer is whether it needs to register the token sale with the SEC? The answer depends on whether […]

General Business
Mo’ Founders Mo’ Problems – Another Vote For Well Drafted Partnership Agreements

Note, the advice below is entity type agnostic. Member Agreements, Company Agreements, and Founder Agreements are included in the context of partners agreements.  Founder disputes are unavoidable – and the more founders, the higher the likelihood for disagreements. Every startup will […]

Entity Type
Forming an Entity (LLC v. C-Corp)

Okay – it’s time to actually form the business. You’ve built your pitch deck, received feedback from naysayers, visited with your attorney, and worked out the structure with your co-founders. The next step is to incorporate your company so that […]

Intellectual Property
Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Protecting your intellectual property is a critical issue for every small business owner, whether you’re a technology startup, building a services business, or launching a new restaurant concept. Kevin spoke to a group of small business owners at a Dallas […]

VW Abroad
Nic’s First Week Working in Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is beautiful. From the picturesque graffiti street murals to the 17th century mosaic tiled streets, a touch of modern is entwined with the city’s aging architecture. Including, the LX Factory. The LX Factory is the co-working space in Lisbon. […]

Corporate Governance
The 50-50 Equity Split(Up)

My parents are starting a business together. See, my mom runs an organic, all natural beauty salon in Upstate New York. Part of the business that she has developed over the years is using henna as an eco-friendly alternative to […]

General Business
Startup Cents: Planning For Your First Year Of Legal Fees

This blog was originally published in July of 2015 but was revised in April of 2024 and is still accurate.  We oftentimes get asked by startups, “How much will I spend in legal my first year?” Since we represent hundreds […]

Corporate Governance
What Is A Registered Agent?

Some of the most common questions we get from our startup and small business clients are: What is a registered agent? What do they do? Why do I need one? Hopefully, this brief blog will help answer some of those […]

Texas Series LLCs
Another Look At Texas Series LLCs

This blog was originally published in January of 2012 but was revised in February of 2024 and is still accurate.  Well, it’s been nearly three months since we’ve last discussed Texas Series LLCs as a great tool for investors. That […]