A Tender Offer is an offer by an issuer or a third party to purchase a significant block of existing shares of a publicly or privately traded company.
The term is used to describe the status of securities that remain subject to forfeiture or mandatory buyback provisions, even after being set aside for, or granted to, an individual. Unvested securities typically transform into vested securities, which are not […]
A Trade Secret is any confidential business information which provides a competitive advantage. Trade secrets are often protected by contract law but are also protected by federal and state statutes. Examples of trade secrets include sales methods, distribution methods, advertising […]
The Texas Business Organizations Code (TBOC) codifies the statutes that govern for-profit and non-profit entities in Texas.
The Total Addressable Market measures the total amount of people or money spent in the market that encompasses a product.
The Trough of Sorrow is a period in the life of a startup in which the excitement of founding a startup has worn off, but before the business really hits its stride. Many startup founders experience this struggle, especially coming […]
A Takeover occurs when an acquiring company “takes over” the operations, holdings, and debt of a target company. Takeovers can be hostile, such as when the acquiring company purchases a substantial stake in the target company as soon as the […]
A Tender Offer is an offer by an issuer or a third party to purchase a significant block of existing shares of a publicly or privately traded company.
A Term Sheet is a document that details the terms and conditions of the financing for an investment opportunity between an investor and a startup. It is usually non-binding. Note that in early stages of financing – Friends & Family […]
The Texas Business Organizations Code (TBOC) codifies the statutes that govern for-profit and non-profit entities in Texas.