Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is the IPO of the crypotcurreny world. An ICO is a fundraising technique where a company makes a portion of their cryptocurrency available for purchase by the public.


Iterating is when a startup makes a minor change to its current business model in an attempt to capitalize on a similar or related market opportunity.

Indication of Interest (IOI)

An Indication of Interest (IOI) is a preliminary letter sent by a buyer (sometimes an investor) to indicate a basic level of interest. It’s one step past “nice to meet you,” but well short of a Letter of Intent, and […]

Invention Assignment

An Invention Assignment is an agreement where a founder or developer assigns to the company all of the intellectual property the founder or developer has created related to the company.

Investment Thesis

An Investment Thesis is the core set of investment principles for a fund. The principles set forth the industry and/or types of companies that the fund will invest in.

Investment Company Act

The Investment Company Act is legislation that regulates “investment companies,” or companies that invest and trade in securities and sell their own securities. The Act forces the companies to register with the SEC, lists specific requirements for the companies, and […]

Investment Banker

An Investment Banker is an entity or individual that underwrites companies’ security offerings. Investment bankers may also facilitate mergers and acquisitions.

Initial Public Offering (IPO)

An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first sale of a company’s stock on a public stock exchange. The company must comply with stringent SEC requirements to be eligible to be a publicly traded company. And, in most instances, a […]

Investor Rights Agreement (IRA)

An Investor Rights Agreement (IRA) is an agreement between an investor and a company that contractually guarantees the investor certain rights including, but not limited to, voting rights, inspection rights, rights of first refusal, and observer rights.

Issue Price

The Issue Price is the price at which a company’s securities are sold.