Funding & Capital Raising
Believe In The Value Of Your Product

I ran into a client this morning who told me about a difficult negotiation he’s currently having with a critical customer. The customer represents a significant portion of his startup’s revenues, but servicing the contract is so cumbersome that it […]

Find Some Naysayers

A common mistake that I see aspiring entrepreneurs make all too often is failing to find anyone who will challenge their idea. I addressed this in my review of Silicon Valley S3, Ep7. Affirmation from loved ones is often a […]

Pitch Decks Are The New Business Plan

Back in the day, like, the early aughts, it was widely believed that you needed a 20 to 40-page business plan and 40-80 hours to create it. The business plan was a written record and forecast of your idea, replete […]

Getting To “No”

One of the biggest frustrations we hear from our clients about the capital raise process is that VCs are non-responsive or unwilling to make a firm investment decision. To help with this, I reached out to several VCs whom we see on a regular basis to ask for their input.

Learning From “No”

Hearing ‘no’ from an investor doesn’t end the conversation; it pivots the conversation. If you’ve ever embarked on a round of funding, even a simple friends and family round, chances are you’ve heard some form of “no” more than you’d like.

Who’s Drafting Your Pitch Deck?

The following thoughts and links should provide some basic insight into how to produce an effective pitch deck that cleanly and accurately reflects your company and its potential.

10 Startup Pitch Tips

This blog was originally published in December of 2013 but was revised in June of 2024 and is still accurate.  In my role as a venture attorney, I receive a handful of pitch decks each week and see hundreds of […]

Presenting To Investors: Conciseness = Clarity

“Confident writers have the courage to speak plainly; to let their thoughts shine rather than their vocabulary.” – Ralph Keye While it might not seem like it at first glance, pitching an idea is, in some ways, just like writing…and […]