Equity Crowdfunding

Equity crowdfunding is a way for private businesses to raise capital from multiple investors via online platforms.

Crowdfunding in Texas & Minnesota

This article explains more about recent crowdfunding regulations, including recent federal changes and state crowdfunding offerings in Texas and Minnesota.

Funding & Capital Raising
Selected Offering Exemptions

To help you understand all of the available private offering exemptions, we’ve compiled details on the old Reg D avenues, and the new crowdfunding ones, into a single page and have created a handy chart for your review.

Funding & Capital Raising
Lending Alternatives For Startups And Small Businesses

A core issue that any startup or small business faces is raising capital. You really only have two options – debt or equity. In many instances debt is preferable, because you’re not giving up any ownership in your company. But […]

Contemporaneous Crowdfunding

A client who recently launched an intrastate, equity-based*, crowdfunding campaign in Texas called me a few weeks ago with an interesting question: “Can we do an accredited investor, interstate, equity-based crowdfunding campaign at the same time?” After some research, I called […]

SEC Releases Long-Standing Proposed Crowdfunding Rules

Finally! Ten months after they were supposed to be released, the SEC released the proposed crowdfunding rules to the general public on October 23, 2013. The proposed rules are currently in the middle of the 90-day comment period, and as […]

Crowdfunding – What Can We Learn From Kickstarter Stats?

This blog was originally published in July of 2012 but was revised in February of 2024 and is still accurate.  Mashable released a fascinating set of infographics regarding Kickstarter from a recent story (I’m not clear on who created the […]

Crowdfunding, Part II

This blog was originally published in July of 2012 but was revised in February of 2024 and is still accurate.  With the recent passage of the JOBS Act, unaccredited investors are poised to enter into the startup funding arena in […]

Early Thoughts On Crowdfunding

This blog was originally published in April of 2012 but was revised in February of 2024 and is still accurate.  Get ready for crowdfunding mania. The next big buzz word is here. So what does it mean? In short, crowdfunding […]